Introducing Rob Snyder, unfolding, and big juicy spiders
Have you considered providing transcripts of the 'casts? Two big advantages: I can read about 20x faster than I can listen, so I'll consume more...and all those words are fantastic for organic SEO, especially if you call out a few subheads.
Interesting thought! We've been optimising for keeping it light on effort so we publish, but you make a good point.
I think I can do the transcription ... any ideas for where to publish those? Just in the substack posts?
Have you considered providing transcripts of the 'casts? Two big advantages: I can read about 20x faster than I can listen, so I'll consume more...and all those words are fantastic for organic SEO, especially if you call out a few subheads.
Interesting thought! We've been optimising for keeping it light on effort so we publish, but you make a good point.
I think I can do the transcription ... any ideas for where to publish those? Just in the substack posts?